Argyle lamproite sample

Pour former des diamants roses, construisez et détruisez un supercontinent

La plus grande source mondiale de diamants naturels – et de plus de 90 pour cent de tous les diamants roses naturels découverts jusqu'à présent – ​​pourrait s'être formée en raison de l'éclatement du premier supercontinent terrestre, rapportent des chercheurs le 19 septembre. Communications naturelles. Les roches diamantifères de la mine Argyle, en Australie occidentale,…

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Unleash the healing power of nature

Propolis: a natural health elixir approved by doctors for your well-being Introduction: In the realm of natural remedies, propolis is a remarkable gift from bees. As we examine the health benefits of propolis, it is worth noting the growing endorsement of this bee-derived substance by medical professionals in our modern age. Discover the therapeutic wonders…

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Antimatter falls like matter, confirming Einstein's theory of gravity

Antimatter falls like matter, confirming Einstein's theory of gravity

It's official: antimatter is falling, not rising. In a first-of-its-kind experiment, scientists dropped antihydrogen atoms and watched them fall, demonstrating that gravity pulls antimatter toward Earth, rather than pushing it away. The study confirms a pillar of Einstein's general theory of relativity known as the weak equivalence principle. According to this principle, gravity pulls on…

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250 million is the new 40: mammals may already be halfway there on Earth, study finds

250 million is the new 40: mammals may already be halfway there on Earth, study finds

A new study in the journal Natural geosciences predicts that in 250 million years, a supercontinent formed around the equator will be too hot for mammals to survive. Jean-Philippe Ksiazek/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Jean-Philippe Ksiazek/AFP via Getty Images A new study in the journal Natural geosciences predicts that in 250 million…

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Police pedestrian stops in Chicago, indicated by the black line, plummeted in late 2015 (shaded). That coincided with a sharp and lasting increase in traffic stops, shown by the blue line. Traffic stops by the Illinois State Police, the gray line, remained relatively unchanged.

Limiting pedestrian checks might not reduce encounters between police and civilians

Any encounter between police and civilians can go wrong (SN: 11/17/21). Stop-and-frisk, where police search pedestrians suspected of carrying contraband, can be particularly difficult, leading to some efforts to limit the practice. But simply limiting foot stops may not reduce the likelihood of such contentious encounters, a Chicago case study suggests. A sharp decline in…

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Gun deaths rise sharply among children, study finds

For black mothers, birth centers, once a refuge, become a battlefield

Research is limited, but free-standing birth centers, which only accept low-risk patients, are associated with lower rates of preterm birth, higher birth weights, lower rates of cesarean sections , increased breastfeeding rates, and approximately $2,000 in Medicaid savings per patient. compared to traditional care, according to a multi-year study conducted by the federal government. In…

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Best SEO Analysis Tools for 2024

In the ever-changing field of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve requires not only expertise, but also the right set of tools. SEO analysis tools play a central role in deciphering the complex algorithms that govern online visibility. Let's take a look at the importance of SEO analysis tools, highlighting key players like SEMrush,…

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